2. dunno who banned me.
3. permanent
4. doing well in the game going like 3x-x (x unknown number)
5. 0:0:4108206
6. good reason why i should be unbanned? i see no demo or anything about my ban on this site, and if that isn't enough i play constantly on the ESEA Anti-Cheat client. im also involved in league play where i am currently 13-3 in the division i play in, seeded #7-8 out of 70+ teams. im hopeful that these words will rectify my ban, if you want to see a few frag clips of me look here -
now, im not going to lie, i was banned quite some time ago. the only reason i didn't post back then was due to my dedication to my team through practices and such. but now, the season is coming to an end soon and im finding myself with alot of time on my hands and i just want to frag out in you guy's office server.