In-Game Name: Handsome Guy (U Jelly before and Captain Falcon for like 2 days)
Age: 16
Years playing CS:S: I played for 2 years and stopped for a year or so,I came back after and played for 4 consecutive month.
Interests within the clan: Gaming, Scrim, Richard (I'm in love with him HAAN YEAH !)
Times you normally play: I play all night long during the week and when I can/want during the weekend.
|SxG| References: I don't realy have one ... but it would be nice if someone give me some credits.
I'm not planning to become admin but a regular player. I want to join SxG because most of the clan members are FUCKING AWESOME and have sexy voices (that turn me on a lot) and are fun to play with.
Sorry for the orthograph, montreal faggot here.