Hey guys,
I play under the name Mr.Bucket-PutUrBallzInMyTop. I have been playing cs since 1.6 and play on SxG's server primarily. I like to play late at night anytime after 10PM up to 6AM. The early AM seems like there is no Admin on quite a bit, I could fill that spot down the road if desired.
In-Game Name: Mr.Bucket-PutUrBallzInMyTop
Age: 25
Years playing CSS: Since 1.6 (5+)
Interests within the clan: I like playing on the SxG Server, the members and regulars are funny as hell and nice people
Times you normally play: 10PM-3AM but sometimes earlier if my fkn DSL lets me.... (they r working on it)
|SxG| References: ShitInASack, ShoNuff, Nick, Dreadlord - These guys know me pretty well, I play alot when they are on at night.
Starcraft 2?: No
Dust 2 or Office?: Both