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  • Team killers... DateSat Jun 25, 2011 5:40 pm
    Forum post by heyyybooboo. Topic: Team killers...

    I second all of these bans.

  • Heyy Booboo's AppDateSat Jun 11, 2011 12:56 pm
    Topic by heyyybooboo. Forum: Recruitment

    Heyyy BOO bOO....

    Sup everyone, you may know me as Boo Boo or Nannerz, whichever I feel is more appropriate for the day. I just recently quit playing scoutzknivez for about 6-7 years consistently, decided it was time to move on ( get back into reg again). Ive been playing with the sxg crew for about a month now, and I really like the players that are currently active on the Office server. everyone seems mad chill. If you guys decided to recruit again keep me in mind. I am a very active player. nearly every day when I dont have to work. Heres my info in case you good folks would like to add another quality player to your team!

    Name: Dave Cairns
    CS Experience: 7 years + of consistency
    Interest in clan: Everyone is mad chill and I enjoy repetitive maps :D
    Age: 21
    In-Game name: Heyyy BOO bOO or Nannerz
    Play time: anywhere from 8 am to midnight off and on.
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18082878

  • Banned for wallhacking....DateSat Jun 11, 2011 12:03 pm

    Thanks Nitch, im also curious... was i unbanned or was it a temp, because like i said i joined the server the next morning without any problems?

  • Banned for wallhacking....DateThu Jun 09, 2011 8:52 pm

    Hello all,

    I was banned from the office server about 830 eastern time for tracing people through walls. All I can say is that I have been playing this game for nearly 7 years now, just recently moving from Scouzknives to office, hack free since I began, and to this day. And as for tracing people through walls. Please show me a demo of where i did this..... Im not trying to be a dick about this but, its really easy when you have a quality pair of headphones to track and pinpoint someones location while they are running withing a 15 ft radius. I would personally like to be unbanned because i know i dont wall.
    Anyways thats my 2 cents.. i know the right decision will be made.

    Info on ban:
    Accuser: Dreamer.
    my steam id. STEAM_0:1:18082878


Content created by heyyybooboo
posts: 4
place: Vermont
Sex: male

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