Jeedia, as of this moment, this discussion is closed due to the following reasons. You can say all you want, it will not help in the matter.
The decision was made on the admin level group. We took a vote and decided that it would be in the communities best interest to keep you off of our server. The reasons are as follows :
1. You have a tendency to clear out the server. This is not only reflected by your game play but also in how little you respect the SxG members. A particular is how you talk to the female members of the group. This is not tolerated.
2. While I have run your game play numerous times , your unnatural ability on non competition servers is well...Unnatural.
This was proven when we asked you to join a scrim and while you still had the highest score on the team, it was no where near your usual ability.
While this may not seem fair to you, we have a larger community to think about here and considering how fast everyone leaves when you join, that has to be taken into consideration for the regulars. While I do enjoy the challenge, others that are just pubbing it do not.
Therefore, on behalf of the admins in SxG we bid you farewell. Please do not come into the server on your other account as it will be banned as well. I know your playing style, as to most of the members.
Thanks for your cooperation in this matter.