Surreal X Gaming |
Post your b-net ids here when you get them. Remember to put up your identifier.
There was not support for clan tags / clan chat channel in the beta, but hopefully we will get some of that with the retail version or in patches early on. Until then, this will be the spot to post your IDs.
mE- Zoltan.472

Well I had a battlenet account since a little before the SC2 beta came out (not the open one, the closed one) in hopes of securing a closed beta spot.
Anyways i lost the email and password to it so that kinda sucks.
I made another one but what exactly information do you need? The email i signed up with?
By the way I am an ex- Starcraft 1 player.. pretty hardcore, I was in some serious clans doing 2's 3's and 4's like everyday back then a LOT. (I hate 1's lol.. make me too nervous to perform).
Anyways I'm VERY excited this clan has a SC2 section and I can't wait for the game to be released.
Thank you Zoltan for doing all this stuff for us so far :)
EDIT: I know its old as shit but heres a link with a SHITLOAD o SC 1 keys:

Zitat von insecure.
Well I had a battlenet account since a little before the SC2 beta came out (not the open one, the closed one) in hopes of securing a closed beta spot.
Anyways i lost the email and password to it so that kinda sucks.
I made another one but what exactly information do you need? The email i signed up with?
By the way I am an ex- Starcraft 1 player.. pretty hardcore, I was in some serious clans doing 2's 3's and 4's like everyday back then a LOT. (I hate 1's lol.. make me too nervous to perform).
Anyways I'm VERY excited this clan has a SC2 section and I can't wait for the game to be released.
Thank you Zoltan for doing all this stuff for us so far :)
EDIT: I know its old as shit but heres a link with a SHITLOAD o SC 1 keys:
SC1 FTW! I occasionally play SCBW. I believe my name on there is Boatvan as well

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