My name is Courtney both in game and in real life. I am 25 years old, living in central Alabama. Love children and working on getting a job working with special needs kids at a local school. I have been playing CSS for as long as I can remember. I use to play on Fraxs, then Krackhouse, and now I am here.
On Fraxs I was an admin and ran the forums. On Krackhouse I decided to lay low and just be a member. Now that I am on a new server again (the last 2 no longer exist) I am going to do whatever the other admins need.
This seems like a really nice server, with a lot of..well..interesting people. I hope to be able to play with all of you soon, and get to know you guys really well.
Now lets work together and get this forum active. It looks so bland, needs color to it. lol