1) what name you were playing under: Sgt.Syphillis
2) Dink
3) perm
4) stuck in the box by window in back yard, was flicking my mouse and jumping to try and get out, he thought it was hack
5) STEAM_0:0:33775165
6) Admin is an ass, and wouldnt give me the info to the forums, ignored question here is conversion
Never tell your password to anyone.
Whats Up White boy: y was i banned?
Dink: you cheat
Whats Up White boy: no, i was stuck in box
Whats Up White boy: and i was trying to get out
Whats Up White boy: so i would like to get unbanned
Dink: idk
Dink: no
Whats Up White boy: and y is that?
Dink: You hack
Whats Up White boy: bullshit dude
Whats Up White boy: if u were specing me
Whats Up White boy: u would see that i was stuck in the damn box
Dink: lol
Dink: stop bitching
Whats Up White boy: unban me
Dink: you are banned
Dink: no
Whats Up White boy: not for long
Whats Up White boy: u got a demo?
Dink: yeah
Dink: and snoopy
Dink: and this other kid
Whats Up White boy: lol okay, i would like to see, so i can protest it
Dink: so go bitch somewhere else
Whats Up White boy: lol, no im good, ill be back on
Whats Up White boy: whats the link to the appeal a ban
Whats Up White boy: whats the link to appeal a ban?
Whats Up White boy: whats the link to appeal a ban?
If everything adds up, your ban will be rectified.