Surreal X Gaming


possible admin?

in Recruitment Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:55 am
by squish • 50 Posts

ok so i was just wondering if there was anyway i could be an admin...level 3 is perfectly fine with me i just want to be able to mute the mic spammers n kick the afks...obv yall know im n the server all the im just tired of bein n the server at like 11 pm or whenever really n someones being a douche/tker/mic spamiing n nothing can be done about it yea voteban/kick works sometimes but not all the time. like tonight mad heads n there just tlkin like crazy spammin music n i asked em to stop but nothing happened...i threatened to get an admin n there..still continued. well once i was able to get ahold of one (mime) they had left but the mic spammin went on for a good 30 mins before i could get ahold of him. and a lot of ppl left the server and the ones who actually do well when i play were suckin....i blame it on the mic idk this is my app for admin. ik with power comes responsibility n if i got it i would follow the rules n not let SxG down. bc i love you guys and office (:and forreal someone needs to let tricky know he cant mic spam as much as he does.....ik my grammer sucks but hey thats how i type on a comp. so yea thats all for now

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:03 am
by Polaris • 133 Posts

Every time I see you, it takes every ounce of willpower I have to stop myself from permabanning you. I get more complaints about you than everyone else combined. You will never have admin on our server.

Bleak Cosmos

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:16 am
by squish • 50 Posts

lawlz.....well i hope i dont get a permaban. n what kinda complaints polaris cuz forreal everytime i play i have atleast one person n the server add me to their friends list. so uh whats these complaints?

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:29 pm
by Thunderchevy • 109 Posts

Polaris you can't tell him he does not get admin. It takes an admin vote. And Jessica and Snork make the final say.


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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:41 pm
by insecure. (deleted)

sQuishy, you quit SxG and joined CE, not exactly sure why you're asking to get admin, when you aren't in the clan?

Last edited Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:41 pm | Scroll up


RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:04 am
by squish • 50 Posts

no i didnt leave sxg for ce i was just excited to know that dub went off n did his own thing n started a server n wanted to be apart of it. sxg is my home its where i started to actually give a damn lol. im sorry to see dub leave sxg bc he was one of the main players that got me to stay n our server. but im glad hes off doin his own thing ,ya know, like snork told me this server means alot to him n im sure dub feels the same about his so yea i support ce and all there players cuz they play with us too..wish we could get his server populated like ours. i just want to get more involved with the clan thats really all im tryna get across with this thread.

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:44 am
by squish • 50 Posts

well i guess you can just forget this thread since i got kicked out.

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:50 pm
by Boatvan • 136 Posts

The mic spamming was terrible at the time of the start of this thread. It took about 8 rounds to get every one to voteban the perpetrators. Squishy is on during these said hours.

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:06 pm
by squish • 50 Posts

yea it was pretty bad that night. and we couldnt even kick him or ban him bc dread was n spectate the whole time i played n that was like 2 full games. but yea the kid finally gave up n just left on his own or got tired right before mime got on.

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RE: possible admin?

in Recruitment Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:30 pm
by Scizzout/Sublime • 14 Posts

I love you sQuishyyy!

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