Whatssssssssup. So i finally decided to hit up the forums and introduce myself. I play under the name Towelie, and I've met a lot of you guys already.
So basically, I'm a 20 year old college kid, i turn 21 on Oct 23rd so I'm pretty stoked for that. I started playing 1.6 in 2003 when I was in junior high school, then switched to source as soon as it came out. I played for a clan called JxP way back in the day, and did a bunch of scrimming and cal matches with them. I then started to play WoW, which I no longer play anymore. After WoW I played a lot of call of duty modern warfare 1 on xbox360, and was quite pro at it. After that I played MW2 for the longest time and did a bunch of mlg matches and shit, but just recently just got sick of it. Kids on that game are just too worried about their kill streaks and it honestly was just a little too easy for me. I hopped on counter-strike, on sxg server, and before I knew it I was hooked again.
When I went to find a random server I just clicked the latency tab and clicked one of the lowest ones that had people in it and on a good map, and that was your server. I really enjoyed playing there and started to come back more and more, and would basically consider myself a regular now.
A little about me now. Like I said I am a college student. I am finishing up my associates degree this year and then next year I'll be continuing in earning my masters in psychology. I'm in my third year college right now at a local community college. I've payed my tuition and books costs all from money I've made playing online poker.I'm currently about 1/3 of the way there for earning my tuition next year at a full on university. I play a lot of online poker when I'm sitting in class, and not on CS. I like to play a lot of real life poker at the local casino here in Michigan. I work at a little restaurant and I hate it, it sucks. I like to smoke pot, good pot, and a lot of it. I have my medical marijuana card so I'm legal :) I don't really play much on the weekends because I usually visit my girlfriend who goes to school out of town on weekends, but I occasionally hop on.
So that's pretty much me in a nutshell. I wanna thank you guys for letting me play on your server and for all the hospitality as well.
Any questions feel free to ask.