I've only watched the first minute and fifty-two seconds of it, but from what I've seen I don't think he walls, if and only if: Was his teammate that was scouting scouting from bathroom, and if so, did his teammate see the terrorist in bathroom and in long hall when he peeked scouting? If so, they both would have shown up on radar... I'm currently on a connection that is only 100 kb/s down, so it's taking a while to buffer your 90mb youtube video.
You say he may be good at hiding it, but just from how he plays it looks like he has a good computer, mouse, and a good amount of skill behind him... For example, when he was running through smoke in front hall (by front office), don't you think, even if he was trying to hide his walls, he would have aimed a little closer to the guy that was about to pop out of smoke at him that his teammate killed as to have a better chance at killing him when he emerged?
A little bit more just buffered... I'm up to 2:57.
I'm amazed at how good of registry you guys have at higher resolution like this... I can't wait to get a new computer, monitor, and mouse..
So far this guy looks legit (with the speculation at the beginning of the demo @ long hall / bathroom).
If anything, on this round of the demo, GunGrave should be punished for buying multiple smoke grenades.
Around the 3:00 minute mark, he intentionally team attacks after being shot on accident, then throws three grenades where his teammate is coming towards him... So he intentionally team attacks one guy, then throws three grenades at another guy that's coming to long hall from front office... Kind of hypocritical don't you think? Then he calls the guy gay for running into his nade.
Just finished watching the demo, and there is no evidence at all of walls other than the long hall incident which none of us can confirm nor deny that his teammate may have peeked and shown the two terrorists on radar. (do people have to shoot or run around to show up on radar or will they show up if someone just sees them? Since I started playing source I still have not diagnosed the radar completely...)