in Identity
Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:41 pm
• 9 Posts
I got hacked today. I'm very pissed off but was able to keep them out of everything except the Steam account :( I will be trying to recover the account, but if I don't, I will be making a new account
in Identity
Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:54 pm
• 17 Posts
i can't believe so many of you got tricked by "fishing" sites. It's such an obvious scam. Send your credit card info to steam and your account will be given back to you.
in Identity
Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:29 am
• 9 Posts
The thing is I didn't even click on the link. I closed the IM window because it was the 3rd message (exactly the same) from a different person. I closed it then I got logged out
in Identity
Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:39 am
• 136 Posts
i got fooled. i thought it was legit b/c a friend sent it. I realized how fishy it looked and went back and changed my pw. It was already too late to stop them from sending msgs to all my friends. Since the time of the incident, the phishing website in question is a 404.