Surreal X Gaming

poll Survey: Gay porn spray policy
votes for inquiry "Gay porn spray policy" 10 votes given.
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Answers Percentage of votes Votes

1. Ban all gay porn 40.00% 4

2. Admin's discretion 60.00% 6
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10 members have voted.


Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:41 pm
by Boatvan • 136 Posts

Me and some of the other admins have been discussing a ban of any forms of gay porn sprays, drawn and real depictions. This topic has recently become a large problem, causing arguments and controversy in the server. I want to put this up to a vote to finally put a definitive ruling on the policy. Currently the policy is Admin\'s discretion, some allow it, most don\'t. The survey will ask if you 1:Ban all together or 2: keep the Admin\'s discretion policy.

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:09 pm
by sQ! • 72 Posts


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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:19 pm
by Richard. • 17 Posts

no wonder my voice has been "cracking" recently.

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:53 pm
by PrEdAtOr • 99 Posts

There's no such thing as ''admin discretion'' it's either banned or not banned.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:03 pm
by Boatvan • 136 Posts

Actually, there is such a thing. Slacker and I both take action for it, while other admins look away.

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:39 pm
by PrEdAtOr • 99 Posts

No there is no such thing. The rule isn't to do as you wish, there is no rule about it so therefore it's no ban for it. You take the discression to do it because you feel the need, but if there is a rule, it's a ban or a no ban, because a ''discression'' is just a vague way to see that you can ban if you don't like the guy.

And also, what you are doing by banning pron spray is also banning trolling, so perhaps if you don't enjoy the trolling, you shouldn't be trolling people in the first place. Cough, wulfy.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up

Last edited Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:40 pm | Scroll up


RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:54 pm
by Boatvan • 136 Posts

I'm sorry, I didn't know you owned the fucking server. For someone who is barely even here you sure have some opinions. I have actually let wulfy slide for a while, while banning non-regulars who spam the server with animated gifs of gay deep throating and various pictures of homosexual sodomy. Yes, wulfy and I have hit some friction in the past, but that is behind us. If we implement a new rule, i'm sure wulfy would comply to the rules. I started this survey to try to get a picture of what the rest of the server thinks about the idea. So, why don't you actually spend some time in the server before you randomly attack someone's idea

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:39 pm
by PrEdAtOr • 99 Posts

I'm sorry, I thought that if the person who did own the server cared about these kind of sprays, the subject would have been adressed a long time ago, because porn spray aren't the new cool thing. My point wasn't about your beef with wulfy, my point is that you troll people but then you throw a bitch fit about people trolling you, Troll and get trolled, don't like getting trolled?

Oh and by the way, I've probably spent more time on the server then you have, even though I've been quite inactive for the last 2 months. I've also donated, and unlike you, it wasn't simply to get admin because I had it beforehand. And I'm pretty sure my opinion matters a lot more then you might think, so please, take a seat and shut the fuck up.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:09 pm
by Boatvan • 136 Posts

Hey asshole, I talked to snork and he agrees it falls under the "don't be a douche" clause. Which you seem to be in violation of right now. That discussion has made this poll irrelevant. It is soon to be deleted. But thanks for being a dick, I wanted to keep it civilized. You made a big fucking deal out of a simple poll. I have put most of my trolling behind me, due to my increased responsibilities. It is not trolling me, I am concerned about the player base of the server being deterred from playing surrounded by gay pornography. Hell, snork just confirmed it is "admin's discretion" and situational based actions.
And what gives you the right to say i am simply "buying admin" ? Ask anyone that actually plays with me, I am dedicated to the server .

So why don't you take a seat and SHUT THE FUCK UP

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:15 am
by Richard. • 17 Posts

I agree with boat on this one. It's admins discretion. If people are complaining about it then something should be done. There's no need for arguing over stupidities, and boat is dedicated to the server, he's on multiple times a day and actually cares unlike most of the admins who don't come on forums and never play and don't pay attention to shit when they do play.

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:07 pm
by Towelie • 70 Posts

Both you babies need to stfu, even though pred is obv right. SQ is the most correct about the matter though. If you're so offended by the sprays, and even take the time to look at them, your prolly gay. If your gonna ban people for expressing themselves through images, then you should ban people for all racist sprays, hate sprays, homosexual (not porn) sprays, religious sprays, sprays of illegal actions, etc. With how serious things are being taken lately, it sounds to me like you'll only be happy when all sprays, mics, and text chat are turned off. You might as well ban all sprays, turn text and mic chat off, and hop in vent so that your not "offended."

Last edited Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:08 pm | Scroll up


RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:50 pm
by Richard. • 17 Posts

We do ban for racist sprays lol. The way how it should be, if multiple people in the server are annoyed with something it should be fixed to make the people happy. It's about keeping the server full and happy.

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:39 am
by Boatvan • 136 Posts

Hey the issue is resolved. Why are we still arguing? Come on lets kiss and make up eh? Maybe a circle jerk, whatever gets your fancy

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:15 am
by Towelie • 70 Posts

I lol at you saying you ban for racist sprays. Yea, maybe if it has just the N-Word in it directly lol.

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RE: Gay porn sprays

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:09 pm
by PrEdAtOr • 99 Posts

The whole ideal of the ''don't be a douche'' rule is to ban someone when they annoy you. I'm the one obviously being a douche by stating my opinion, while you on the other hand are freaking out and calling me names because I don't agree with your whole ordeal. Take a step back, read my replies and read your responses, I'm not being a dick, you are. You're freaking out as usual because someone doesn't agree with your ideological server. I didn't make a big fucking deal, because I didn't care all that much. I stated my opinion, you freaked out. You messaged me on steam to talk about it and just to show you how much it is not a big deal to me, I left while we were discussing it because I truly don't give a fuck about having or banning porn sprays, while you on the other hand messaged me friday, and some other time during the weekend that I just got, because I had something else to do with my time then to debate on something that can't be debated.

When someone was concerned about the player base of the server being deteriorated by trolls, you sure seemed to say ''oh hey trolls r here to stay, cuz thats how the server is!'' along with me and everyone. You need to learn something in life brah, not everyone thinks like you or will agree with you, therefor when you ask something like this, obviously someone is going to step up and say otherwise. Also, some will troll you, like I love to do. Nobody said you aren't dedicated to the server, stop putting words in my mouth. You bought admin, and bought moar admin, you even told me yourself. ''I'm thinking of donating 20$ more to snork so he will give me level 2'', rofl.

So once again, take a chill pill because it's not that big of a deal, take a seat and shut the fuck up.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up

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