As you can see from these screen shots, for no reason Masta killa team attacked me, i proceeded to slay him, he left and rejoined to keep playing, he team killed me 4 more times, then as shown in the last couple he blatently says "ill tk tkd too"
please take care of this, it gets bothersome!!
ATTACKER Masta<>kilLa » 46 Dmg, 2 Hits Head: 1 just one of the many times i was team attacked without being killed. Killed about 4-5 times, attacked to low health many more, team flashed as well
after the 6th time (im playing as i write this) i killed him once, to shut him up, thats all i did in retaliation
hey flat out just said over mic "Im just gonna keep team killing till i get banned, then im done playing for the night"
now he is finally done, and gone, but please handle this. I believe a perma, it was not prompted, and it was not with retaliation save for the one after the SIXTH time.