Surreal X Gaming |
Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:06 pmby Cocaine&Waffles • 2 Posts
Dreadlord and I had talked about this maybe a month ago, but now that I've got all the shit at my end straightened out, I can speak up and offer some help - the permanent, FREE kind...
Many of you know who I am, and many of you don't - regardless, I've been playing CSS for a few years now - I cut my teeth over at Team Saints, and then branched off and started doing my own thing (CWDI) - and despite what you may (or may not) have heard about me, good or bad, at the end of the day I love this game, and for the most part, the people who play it - the social aspect of the game is as enticing to me as the game itself, and I think the majority of the people who played at Team Saints, and play at SxG and CWDI feel the same way...
What I can offer you is simple - a free, top-notch server and some associated web-space. Why? You've got a good crew, and a fun, popular server - and please don't take this the wrong way - but you're on terrible, laggy, unreliable hardware with Gameservers (and it shows regularly in your server) and your website and forums could use a nice, non-advertised based home, with a nice, clean URL - FTW?
Anyway, I have the room and the resources on my dedicated box, and I'd be happy to help out. And what do I want in return? Absolutely nothing - this isn't going to cost me anything, so you'll no longer need to worry about "donations" or "sponsors" - you can run YOUR server YOUR way -my "reward" will be getting to hop on to a server that is almost always populated when mine is not, and play on said server that will be running on some of the best server-provider hardware money can buy - no lag, no hiccups, no nothing - just CSS the way it should be...
So, the offer is there - take me up on it if you'd like, or tell me "no, thanks" - either way you're not gonna hurt my feelings - I'm too busy berating the nubs and tards that seem to wander into my server all too often - just ask Sho... ;-)
Snork / Jess / Dread - if you want to talk to me personally about this, you can email me at
Scott (Cocaine&Waffles)

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:48 pmby Tkdjrwarrior • 39 Posts

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:35 pmby Cocaine&Waffles • 2 Posts
Well, warrior - you of all people have known me (through CWDI) long enough to know that despite my massive ego and even larger bank account, at the end of the day I am a decent guy, one who has no problems "sharing the wealth" when it comes to something I am passionate about or just enjoy...
Anyway, I took the liberty of having my I/T guy set up an example SxG forum - it is fully functional, but registration is currently disabled (at least until someone with some authority from SxG either says "yeah, we like it" or "no thanks...") - so anyone can go look at it and browse through the different categories / boards that have been set up, but that's about all you'll be able to do - and as I said, this is just a "test" - however, with one click it goes live, or with two clicks it disappears - I'll leave that up to you guys...

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:04 pmby shit in a sack • 131 Posts
Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years
HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:43 pmby Tkdjrwarrior • 39 Posts

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:25 pmby shit in a sack • 131 Posts
Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years
HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:00 amby Tkdjrwarrior • 39 Posts

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:19 amby slacker <A.A> • 9 Posts

RE: Snork, Jess, and/or Dreadlord - donation of an entire server / webspace...
in Donations Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:13 pmby shit in a sack • 131 Posts
Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years
HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

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