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Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:37 pmby imhasser • 5 Posts
"²The Blunted Nitch Bigger" STEAM_0:0:13382732
How the fuck isn't that racist implications? It's meant to sound like "Bitch Ni**er", which is OBVIOUSLY the implications. Please tell this user to change their name. It's very offensive to me, and is obviously racism which is disallowed in your MOTD. (also, they have SxG in their clantag? are they an admin or something? that's terrible behaviour for an admin to have)
here is a screenshot of his steamid and name ingame

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:00 pmby shit in a sack • 131 Posts
First off, you're obviously dislexic. Months with this name and you're the only baddie that has complained about it. My name is not racist, you are.
Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years
HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:53 amby imhasser • 5 Posts
Fuck you, shit in a sack, it's obviously intended to be racist and you're a terrible person for even suggesting it's not. How the fuck isn't it racist? It's meant to sound like "bitch nigger", and you can't deny that. What else would your name mean? Stop with the bullshit, you fucking racist loser. You make me sick.

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:15 pmby shit in a sack • 131 Posts
Racist?! NEVAR! Fucking liberals these days; all you do is bitch and whine about something that really doesn't matter. If you are really worried about racism, quit talking about it and it will go away. Maybe if every black guy didn't use nigger as every other word, white people wouldn't feel compelled to use it jokingly. Ever think of that? So ancestors of our ancestors used it as a derogatory term; that does not mean that hundreds of years later every white person is racist. It's about damn time that people just let shit go. There hasn't been slavery or segregation for YEARS, and pieces of shit like you are still complaining about the N word. Give me a fucking break, it's not even a racist word; simply defined as ignorant. If you don't own a dictionary, I'd suggest you pick one up. If I was running around finding every African American and calling him a Nigger, that would be racist; but I am not. I call ignorant people words which define them, and the best word for that sir, is nigger. Starting a pissing contest over a stupid ass word, which is not even in my name by the way, will only dig you an idiotic hole. If my name was racist, would a lead admin have not asked me to change it? I think yes.
All that being said,
good day sir.
Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years
HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:01 amby imhasser • 5 Posts
You're just being arrogant. Why don't you guys remove "No Racial Slurs" from your MOTD if racism is apparently okay? Or if I join the server with the name "nigga u gay", I won't get banned according to you? Also, I am black, and I never say nigger. Nice generalization. I am sure you wouldn't say that shit to a black man IRL. It's funny to be racist on the Internet, but I bet none of you would say that shit to any black man IRL.

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:04 amby Tkdjrwarrior • 39 Posts

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:59 pmby imhasser • 5 Posts
But that's wrong, you idiot. You can't have in your MOTD "no racial slurs" and then allow yourself to say that shit just because "my friends say it". Saying that to your friends is entirely different than saying it to a stranger.
If you guys didn't have the rule that says no racial slurs, I wouldn't give a fuck and would simply not play here. You can't have a rule against it and not enforce it because "your friends say it", that's just bullshit.

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:20 pmby shit in a sack • 131 Posts
Point being: My name didn't say nigger. It said nitch, and bigger. So grow up and get off your high-horse. I bet you try to get money from the government for millennia old oppression. Quit being a cry-baby.
Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years
HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:08 pmby Tkdjrwarrior • 39 Posts

RE: Racist - Nitch Bigger
in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:16 amby Tkdjrwarrior • 39 Posts

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