Hey, I'm submitting this application because I've recently become very involved with the SXG Office server and I really enjoy the community and I spend the majority of my time on CS:S playing here. I really only play on one or two other servers aside from this one. I'm a pretty quiet player and just enjoy having fun and playing the game. Most of the time I do not use a mic because currently I only have an integrated quality which I can not get the greatest input from. I have never caused any problems with anyone on the server and I feel very welcomed here as well.
I was hoping to maybe even get an admin spot considering I'm usually on almost everyday at around 12am - 3am EST where there seems to be a lack of admins. I really would only use this to keep things in order and for small things such as slaying at 1:30, and disciplining irrational players under the proper circumstances.
In-Game Name: CXP
Age: 20
Years playing CSS: 5 on and off. Started with 1.6.
Interests within the clan: Great community, great people. I have a lot of fun playing here.
Times you normally play: Usually around 8am to 2pm and 11pm - 3am, but I'll be on randomly too.
|SxG| References: I'm not sure who I would give references of, but members that are usually on while I play are Allbran and Nitch.
Starcraft 2?: Nope.
Dust 2 or Office?: Ofiice.