Surreal X Gaming


MTN - STEAM_0:0:33476053

in Report Hackers/TKers/Spammers Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:58 pm
by shit in a sack • 131 Posts

MTN - STEAM_0:0:33476053

Aimbot, walls, no-flash, (auto trigger?)


Already banned this guy, this is for the record.

Counter Strike 1.X Programmer -
CS XP: 11 years

HP Pavilion a1600n
AMD Athlon 64x2 (dual core) 2.0ghz processor (Windsor) (aftermarket heat sink and fan)
2x512mb PC4200 DDR2, 1x1024mb PC4200 DDR2 (2GB total)
200GB SATA drive for CS:S and data storage, 60GB IDE for windows

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