In-Game Name:DJ_Lightbringer(Note that my name usually always has the words DJ or assistant involved,I am known to include music ve0 or other statuses in that message)
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:37554750
Years playing CSS:Used to play a little when I was 9 ,been playing again for 6 months now.
Interests within the clan:All the SxG guys I know are really cool guys,and i'd like to be part of a group that like to just have fun and chill.
Times you normally play:Usually after 8 eastern.,CSS is the main game I play.
|SxG| References:Moo
Starcraft 2?:Pssshhh my crapbox couldn't run starcraft 2 in ever,anyway,not big on RTS
Dust 2 or Office?:If you have to really ask,its office,dust 2 is one of the most boring maps in any shooter of all time,and I've played FFA cloud city!