In-Game Name: Five Guys Burger FTW
Age: 25
Years playing CS: 10+ years (6 digit Steam ID) : )
Interests within the clan: I am a regular here as of late and find everyone a joy to play with. Would be awesome to be apart of the clan!
Times you normally play: I play usually early afternoon and evening time into the morning hours...
|SxG| References: BLUE SLIDE PARK, other SxG members see me all the time : )
What would you change about the SxG Office server? I would change server companies maybe? The reg is pretty bad sometimes but that doesn't stop me from loving this server...
Starcraft 2?: It's installed on my PC but I just play CS too much...
Dust 2 or Office?: Office is my favorite map ever behind cs_assault_upc in the 1.6 days. Dust2 I can live without...
Final Thoughts: Just came off being admin at 2 Office servers prior to playing here. Sadly they both fell apart due to incoherent owners. Be nice for a change to be apart of a well known and well ran server such as SxG. Thanks for reading and hope I can be apart of the team soon : )