Hey there!
I was banned around 12:30pm today on the office server and I'm not sure why.
I had a score of approximately 25-5 and I was using the Para the entire time.
I'm assuming it was Snork who banned me as Im not aware of other admins on the server.
My name in game is draft# Broop - steam id: STEAM_0:0:1683937
I appreciate you guys run a pretty tight ship, but if you look at my kill death ratio, its around 1.5, if that with approximately 300 kills or more.
I don't know how else to prove that I wasn't hacking, but i've been playing this game for a long time now, and everyone here can attest to having good or bad days. I guess I was having a good day today.
Anyways, I would appreciate an explanation as to why I was banned. And hopefully you guys can reconsider, as I do really enjoy playing on your server. It's busy, admins are frequently playing as well, and I like the general attitude of the players who also enjoy this server.
Hope to play with you all again soon.
Cheers, Broop/Brandon