Surreal X Gaming


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  • GPK SpammersDateSat Dec 04, 2010 2:48 pm
    Forum post by Gec. Topic: GPK Spammers


  • VAC Banned!DateWed Dec 01, 2010 1:41 pm
    Forum post by Gec. Topic: VAC Banned!

    I thought VAC bans were OBV perm. They would only lift a VAC ban if it was a mistake now and days at least. Fuck all the fagot hackers. gg buying your gaming library again.

  • Hellraiser's New AppDateFri Nov 26, 2010 9:56 am
    Forum post by Gec. Topic: Hellraiser's New App

    I'm not in the clan or anything but this guy is pretty funny when he looses his cool.

  • gd trolliesDateFri Nov 26, 2010 9:51 am
    Forum post by Gec. Topic: gd trollies


  • GecDateTue Nov 23, 2010 11:35 am
    Forum post by Gec. Topic: Gec

    It's actually a wolf and seal merged into awsomeness. I be a seawolf, YAr!

  • GecDateSun Nov 21, 2010 11:31 pm
    Forum post by Gec. Topic: Gec

    MY anti weed one? I've been thinking about changing it recently. I'll miss all the comments on it though. Some people get really twisted over it.

  • GecDateThu Nov 18, 2010 7:02 pm
    Topic by Gec. Forum: Identity

    Herro SxG community. <sarcasm>You may of seen me on your server this last week and half.</sarcasm> I've recently just decided to log on CSS one day last week and found myself immensely enjoying the game. Which is surprising to me because I hated Source when it first came out. I was a die-hard 1.6 loyalist. Anyways I just wanted to shed a little light on me and what I'm about and why I'm frequenting your server.

    First off I'm 24 and work for Fedex Express as a part-time Courier. (Reason why I'm able to log so many hours.) I use to dominate to a certain degree on 1.6 but only in pub-star fashion as I never went through a cal season because I couldn't find a steady team. I would classify myself as proficient at this game but I mostly want to log on and have fun and blare some tunes as I execute the perfect rush. Not saying I don't want to scrim or be a ringer I immensely enjoy participating in a try hard game or two.

    I like playing games obviously and usually play World of Warcraft but it's extremely gay at the moment and I'm not sure this expansion is going to salvage what made it fun in expansions past. (Alpha-Beta tester)

    I love playing on your server even though I HATE office. Funny how a community of people can make-up for the loathing of something. I appreciate the rules set in place as well as far as what's listed on the MOTD. I've already made multiple new friendly acquaintances just through this single server alone. Which is very nice.

    To sum up this post I just wanted to introduce myself properly while I'm still fresh meat. Now if you excuse me I need to pad my 1.3k kill lead some more. Thanks for reading catch you on.

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