Surreal X Gaming |
Hi, I'm Scizzout/Sublime, my in-game name is Mr. Skittles. Y'all know me, I'm the OG ;). I'm looking to get admin for many of reasons, I love SxG, I hate mic spammers and hackers. And I hate people who won't stop team killing or team attacking. I've played on SxG for almost a year now, and I'm really good friends with most of the people on the server, and most of the admins ( Go Thunderchevy! <3 ). I've been playing CSS for almost 3 years now, and I'm pretty good. I'll have some bad days. I've had admin on many other servers, that are now discontinued due to the fact that my friend went off in to the army and had to cancel his server. I've never abused admin on the servers that I've gotten. I don't care, well I do care, if I just get the lowest rank of admin, I just want respect. I'm tired of people disrespecting me just because I'm 15 and sound 12. It's annoying when people whine and bitch about it, instead of just playing the game. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and see you around ;)
- <3 Mr. Skittles

i apologize for butting in, i'm technically still a member of sxg, and this kinda raises of a red flag when you say
"I just want respect. I'm tired of people disrespecting me just because I'm 15 and sound 12. It's annoying when people whine and bitch about it... "
its kinda like someone wielding a shotgun, you don't respect the guy, you fear the guy, essentially you want people to fear you and that is a long way from respect, respect is earned, not given.
Now if you were to rephrase that to "i don't like disrespectful people on behalf of the server" your argument for admin wouldn't sound so selfish.

Eligibility aside, I really don't think we need more admins at the moment. There doesn't need to be an admin on the server 24/7, as there is almost always at least one available on Steam. All of our admins are basically "on call", and you need only send them a message when there's trouble afoot.
What to do when there's no admins on.

well polaris i have mostly all the admins on my friends list and by the time i can get ahold of one. the ppl get tired of beind douchers n leave, which could be up to 30 mins long. so yea i think you all need another admin. one who plays there all the time. i think skittles is a good candidate. what would it hurt to give him admin for a lil bit n see how it goes. if you get complaints take him off admin.

At the time of this post, there are a total of 10 admins on Steam right now, and another two "away", and it's not even peak hours right now. That is plenty, and I daresay more than enough, for a clan of our size.
Regardless of how many admins we have, shit happens sometimes. Considering how popular our server is, I think we have an outstandingly low amount of shenanigans that occur.

I don't wanna become an admin just so people respect me. That's just one of the reasons. Like I said in my application, if there's not an admin around, and there's mic spammers, team killers, team attackers, ect. I can be there because I'm always on. And just because I'm 15 doesn't mean I can't handle the responsibility of an admin. I can be mature when it comes to it, but other than that I'm usually just a fun person to play with, and I hope the admins like my application. And thanks sQuishyy, that idea could work anyway, if it doesn't work out, just take admin from me.

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