Surreal X Gaming


Posting for Micro$oft Gate$

in Recruitment Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:19 pm
by Nick • 28 Posts

In-Game Name: Micro$oft Gate$
Age: 20
Years playing CSS: one.
Interests within the clan: having fun with clan mates.
Times you normally play: During the day
|SxG| References: Nick, Jackie.

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Jay's App.

in Recruitment Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:23 pm
by Jay • 2 Posts

In-Game Name: Jay
Age: 17
Years playing CSS: 5-6
Interests within the clan: The scrim team.
Times you normally play: All Day Every Day.
|SxG| References: Imbackk,Pantsy,Insecure,Dreadlord,Pretty much everyone in SxG

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GodsMarine App - Note- Recruitment Closed

in Recruitment Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:21 pm
by Snork • 160 Posts

In-Game Name: GodsMarine
Age: 23
Years playing CSS: 7
Interests within the clan: play there all the time chill place to play and have fun
Times you normally play: every day/night
|SxG| References: Dubshot, Pantsy, Cookie, Jackie, thunderchevy..

Last edited Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:30 pm | Scroll up
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RE: GodsMarine App - Note- Recruitment Closed

in Recruitment Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:32 pm
by Snork • 160 Posts

Okay, so what the note means is that this app came in after the deadline when we closed recruitment.

You can vote on it same as usual, but the final decision on the application will not be made until recruitment opens.

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anthrax is the man and should be recruited

in Recruitment Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:01 am
by Anthrax • 1 Post

Years playing CSS:4
Interests within the clan: having a loving feeling
Times you normally play: random
|SxG| References: anyone who remembers me! :)

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in Recruitment Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:32 am
by twizzy • 1 Post

In-Game Name: Twizzy
Age: 24
Years playing CSS: 5+
Interests within the clan: Office/Scrim
Times you normally play: 6pm-2 sun-thurs anytime sat sun
|SxG| References: Snork, Dreadlord, Nick

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Button, the cutest kid to play CS

in Recruitment Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:01 pm
by Button • 1 Post

In-Game Name: Button
Years playing CSS:a long time
Interests within the clan: to make people laugh/rage quit, perhaps scrim?
Times you normally play: all day everyday
|SxG| References: Snork, my babyboo

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Application Lurkerz

in Recruitment Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:30 pm
by Lurkerz89 • 16 Posts

In-Game Name: Lurkerz89
Age: 23
Years playing CSS: since it came out, but been palying 1.6 before.
Interests within the clan: Supreme ruler of the world!.. nah, just a regular spot, backup scrimer or something too :P
Times you normally play: most days at the moment, because I AM the server! muhahahah
|SxG| References: Snork! *bribes snork* :D

*sits and waits* o.o

Last edited Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:09 pm | Scroll up
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joining the crew

in Recruitment Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:13 am
by TnTkIlLeR • 1 Post

In-Game Name:TnTkIlLeR
Years playing CSS:6
Interests within the clan:just to play and have fun
Times you normally play: in the evening west coast time
|SxG| References:all the homies and snork haha j/k

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Waffles app.

in Recruitment Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:33 pm
by Waffles • 2 Posts

In-Game Name: Waffles

Age: 17

Years playing CSS: about 6 months. i playes cs 1.6 for about 3-4 years though.

Interests within the clan: i would like to join just to chill with cool people and play cs_office. maybe scrim a little bit too.

Times you normally play: anytime between 12pm-3am

|SxG| References: Dubshot

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in Recruitment Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:26 am
by Kevin • 1 Post

I want to join SxG finally :-) I figure I play in the server enough, I'm friendly with most if not all the admins/members, and I usually do pretty well in here. I enjoy playing in here as much as possible

Here's my edit with the other info for the application
In-Game Name: Kevin
Years playing CSS:5 (I think..I don't keep reciepts from when i play :-p)
Interests within the clan: Just to enjoy it more. I play in the server often, and a lot of people know me on here. Figure I might as well tag up and maybe get some more responsibility among the clan
Times you normally play: Usually nights. after around 9 or so. I'll be on all day on my days off though
|SxG| References: Snork, Thunderchevy, Dubshot, Nick, Sillydesk.. I think there's a couple more I can't remember off the top of my head.

Last edited Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:32 am | Scroll up
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in Recruitment Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:39 pm
by Nam • 34 Posts


In-Game Name: Nam
Age: 17
Years playing CSS: Less than 1
Interests within the clan: Well, first of all, this is the ONLY server that I play. I'm on everyday and I play so much that even with a kdr of only 0.80, I've made the top 10 rank twice :P. Once before the rank was reset after update, and once now (currenly 5th place, last I checked). I get along with most people just fine and they like playing with me. So if I'm going to participate in a server that much, I might as well be a part of it :)
Times you normally play: Noon to midnight
|SxG| References: Thunderchevy, SillyDesk, Andy Bernard, n1ll0, and Doomsday

Thank you!

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in Recruitment Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:58 pm
by devon • 2 Posts

In-Game Name: SSpankTheMonkey.. canadian
Age: 18
Years playing CSS: about a year
Interests within the clan: awesome server, great people
Times you normally play: night
|SxG| References: Snork

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Looking to get into SXG

in Recruitment Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:37 pm
by PrincePoppycock • 1 Post

In-Game Name: Prince Poppycock
Age: 25
Years playing CSS: About 6

Interests within the clan: Anything and everything... I've been admin on a few servers in the past years so I wouldn't be against that :) Otherwise I just like hanging around with everyone!

Times you normally play: Usually 7PM - 12PM CDT on weekdays and all throughout the day on weekends
|SxG| References: Jackie, Alias, Silly Desk, Polaris (even though he probably won't admit to knowing me), Pantsy (who probably falls into the same category as Polaris) and many others who I'll get to post in the thread if needed :)

Starcraft 2?: I fail at RTS games, so no.

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H2R Application

in Recruitment Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:08 am
by H2R.Aghe • 12 Posts

In-Game Name: H2R.Aghe
Age: 23
Years playing CSS: 8
Interests within the clan: Shooting Desk in the face
Times you normally play: After prime time
|SxG| References: Dubshot, Desk, Imbackk, Alias, Pantsy, Nick
Starcraft 2?: I have it, I'm bad. I need to learn build orders. someone teach me. i will be your padawan.

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