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  • Richard Carr Banned. DateMon Mar 28, 2011 7:42 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Richard Carr Banned.

    oh and it's a perma ban. so yeah.


  • Richard Carr Banned. DateMon Mar 28, 2011 7:42 pm

    Yeah, i got banned for talking about a new servers specifications and people telling me to add them to friends so they can check it out later. xpandble or whatever his name was told dread i was advertising in the server and dread came in and banned me on the spot. Pretty ridiculous. Unban please.

  • Unbans not stickingDateThu Mar 17, 2011 6:19 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Unbans not sticking

    will justice ever prevail!!!!! :'(

  • Gay porn spraysDateSun Mar 13, 2011 9:15 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Gay porn sprays

    lol towelie, the only racist sprays i've seen have the "n" word in em. in fact one time there was a spray that had a white background and all that it was was the n word in black. people are so creative.

  • Gay porn spraysDateSat Mar 12, 2011 8:50 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Gay porn sprays

    We do ban for racist sprays lol. The way how it should be, if multiple people in the server are annoyed with something it should be fixed to make the people happy. It's about keeping the server full and happy.

  • Gay porn spraysDateSat Mar 12, 2011 12:15 am
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Gay porn sprays

    I agree with boat on this one. It's admins discretion. If people are complaining about it then something should be done. There's no need for arguing over stupidities, and boat is dedicated to the server, he's on multiple times a day and actually cares unlike most of the admins who don't come on forums and never play and don't pay attention to shit when they do play.

  • Gay porn spraysDateThu Mar 10, 2011 10:19 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Gay porn sprays

    no wonder my voice has been "cracking" recently.

  • SNoopDateThu Feb 24, 2011 1:27 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: SNoop

    i called him on aim bot. he seemed to spray by moving his gun in the perfect directions and got 3 guys with head shots who were not standing next to each other. said i was just shitty but yeah, i'm pretty sure he was toggling.

  • Banned by moo because he's depressed apparently.DateWed Feb 23, 2011 10:14 pm


    there's my i.d.

    by the time anything is done i'll probably already be unbanned.

  • Banned by moo because he's depressed apparently.DateWed Feb 23, 2011 8:52 pm

    So yeah, was playing under the name Dur or some shit like that, then moo changes his name to moo (depressed) and i say why are you trying to get attention from people over the internet because of your depression, then he says "it's to let people know not to fuck with me", then he says "if you say something again i'm gonna ban you", so i say durrr durrr, and he bans me after saying "see you later fuck face".

    Admin abuse. Please unban. Ridiculous.

  • Hacked :(DateTue Feb 22, 2011 11:54 pm
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Hacked :(

    i can't believe so many of you got tricked by "fishing" sites. It's such an obvious scam. Send your credit card info to steam and your account will be given back to you.

  • GunGrave WallingDateFri Feb 18, 2011 5:02 pm

    Here's a video of GunGrave. It looks like he's tracing people, and he's very good at hiding it. GhostSoldier and I spec'd him and i came to the conclusion that he's either really freaking good or he's really freaking good at hiding the walls. He's been spec'd knowing where people are when they're not making a sound and so on and so forth.

  • Richard.'s ApplicationDateMon Feb 14, 2011 3:15 am
    Forum post by Richard.. Topic: Richard.'s Application

    chocolate milk definitely tastes better than last night.

  • Richard.'s ApplicationDateWed Feb 09, 2011 1:15 pm
    Topic by Richard.. Forum: Recruitment

    In-Game Name: Richard.
    Age: 20
    Years playing CSS: Since it came out.
    Interests within the clan: Pub. Admin.
    Times you normally play: Er' day all day.
    |SxG| References: Moo, some others like me i guess.
    Dust 2 or Office?: Office ftw.

Content created by Richard.
posts: 17

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