I worked my ass off making an updated roster a while back, and Snork never got around to posting it here or keeping it up to date. It is now outdated again, and thus my work has gone to waste.
Guys, for the bazillionth time, this forum section is not to be used for application discussions or voting. In fact, there shouldn't even be any posts in app threads until it has been moved to the voting section. It's not entirely your fault, as no new threads have been moved to the vote section in a really long time, but still. Please save your comments until recruitment is re-opened.
None of the apps in this forum section are approved. Apps don't get approved until they've been moved to the voting section. Also, recruitment is currently closed pending an overhaul of our recruitment policies, so no apps will be approved except in special circumstances (e.g. bribing Snork with sexual favors).
Technically, there's no rule about talking. Having a conversation isn't the same as mic spamming. However, common courtesy dictates that you should STFU if there's only a couple of people left alive. What I and other admins usually do if people won't be quiet is use a keybind that mutes everyone for one minute.
There is, however, a rule about respecting admins, and telling one to fuck off isn't okay, regardless of whether or not you think he's being unfair. Personally, I would have just muted you for 5 minutes or something, but face's actions may have also been appropriate.
And I would once again like to remind our members that this section of the forums is not for voting. Please wait until this app has been moved to the appropriate section before voting.
At the time of this post, there are a total of 10 admins on Steam right now, and another two "away", and it's not even peak hours right now. That is plenty, and I daresay more than enough, for a clan of our size.
Regardless of how many admins we have, shit happens sometimes. Considering how popular our server is, I think we have an outstandingly low amount of shenanigans that occur.
Eligibility aside, I really don't think we need more admins at the moment. There doesn't need to be an admin on the server 24/7, as there is almost always at least one available on Steam. All of our admins are basically "on call", and you need only send them a message when there's trouble afoot.
Every time I see you, it takes every ounce of willpower I have to stop myself from permabanning you. I get more complaints about you than everyone else combined. You will never have admin on our server.
Dink is a level 3, which means he can't permaban you. So your ban should have worn off within 6 hours. I haven't seen the demo, so I can't comment on whether or not you deserved it.